OBJECTIVE: To gather everything learned in the course about materials, forms, process, design elements and principles, and apply them to the design and fabrication of a bird house
OUTCOME: The bird I tried to attract was the Eastern Bluebird. Eastern Bluebird is a small thrush with a big head, large eyes and a rounded body. It has a very unique blue colour on its head and back, and some brick-red colour on its breast.
Eastern Bluebird likes bright colours. They feel more comfortable staying in a light wood colour birdhouse rather than dark wood. Therefore, cedar is one of their favourite wood.
The most challenging part was to figure out the form of the birdhouse since I would like to develop a purposeful design language. The angles and inset cuts had a high degree of difficulty for fabrication but I became more familiar with woodworking after I have finished this project.
TECHNIQUE: Woodworking - bandsaw, table saw, chop saw, etc.

Perspective View

Front View

Side View

Orthographic Drawing

Front Elevation

Right Elevation

Back Elevation

Bottom Elevation

Perspective Elevation